Per Roslind
Co-Founder Shape Your Future Life
Author, Executive Coach, and Exam. Psychotherapist
I am a Danish therapist, executive coach, and the founder of the company CXOPeople, which for many years has successfully worked to create personal change among leaders and employees in several of Denmark’s largest companies. My professional focus has primarily been within strategic development, inspirational leadership, communication and presentation, personal leadership, self-esteem, self-leadership, and organizational change processes.
With a creative background as a music producer for, among others, the band TV2, and as a film director with more than 25 short films and 300 corporate films, along with a professional education as an exam. Individual, couple, and group therapist from the Institute of Gestalt Analysis, as well as studies in architecture at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts and law at Aarhus University, I work on developing and unleashing the potentials that all people are born with but many may not always fully utilize. My belief in and experience with the idea that people’s perception of life and fundamental patterns can change in a more positive and inspiring direction, benefiting both themselves and their surroundings, has been my guiding principle for many years as a therapist and in my work with individuals at CXOPeople.
In 2006, I published the first volume of the trilogy Create a Better World – a trilogy that contains therapeutic ideas, adventures, and exercises to strengthen personal leadership, relationships, communication, and collaboration. Based on my extensive therapeutic work, the trilogy was revised in 2020 and followed by three new volumes. All six volumes have been translated into English and were published in 2020, offering an inspiring overview for an international audience of the diversity of ways in which personal leadership can be strengthened – for personal or therapeutic use.
SHAPE Your Future Life
Welcome to a Happier, Healthier, and More Sustainable Life!
The world needs sustainable solutions and simple tools that empower us to live happier, healthier, and more sustainable lives every day. At SHAPE, we carefully select, gather, and refine relevant, evidence-based knowledge, presenting it to you and your family through engaging films and articles.
With these accessible and practical tools, we all have the opportunity to reclaim our health and minimize, or even avoid, the “decline years” in the latter part of life. The right knowledge not only “adds years to your life” but also “adds life to your years.” Step by step, we can make small and significant changes in our daily routines that, without compromising our quality of life, will reduce our carbon footprint and contribute to the preservation of biodiversity and create a more compassionate world for the beings we share this beautiful planet with.
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