We help you to reverse climate changes
and improve your health and happiness
Welcome to our science based community
of equally minded – planet and health saving – people,
who wants to live a happier, healthier and more sustainable life
on our beautiful planet.
We are happy to present inspiring, glossy
and in depth insights that potentially unleashes your dreams.
To us, behavioual transformation appears
when we experience and understand
though involving insight.
We offer easy digestiable inspirational films,
articles, actionable tools and exercises, that helps you
to shape your future and to save our suffering blue planet.
We serve as a catalyst for change by empowering individuals
to transform their life.
We sincerely hope, that you will join our community
and that you will help us to create a better world.
SHAPE Your Future and Be The Change
Anne & Per
SHAPE Your Future Life
Welcome to a Happier, Healthier, and More Sustainable Life!
The world needs sustainable solutions and simple tools that empower us to live happier, healthier, and more sustainable lives every day. At SHAPE, we carefully select, gather, and refine relevant, evidence-based knowledge, presenting it to you and your family through engaging films and articles.
With these accessible and practical tools, we all have the opportunity to reclaim our health and minimize, or even avoid, the “decline years” in the latter part of life. The right knowledge not only “adds years to your life” but also “adds life to your years.” Step by step, we can make small and significant changes in our daily routines that, without compromising our quality of life, will reduce our carbon footprint and contribute to the preservation of biodiversity and create a more compassionate world for the beings we share this beautiful planet with.
© Copyright 2025. SHAPE Your Future Life / Be The Change ApS. All rights reserved