H for Health

More than 2 billion people are now either overweight or obese. By 2035, this will apply to nearly half the world’s population. A global obesity epidemic is sweeping across the world. It is stealing quality years of life from both children and adults, and it has vast economic implications globally. In many parts of the world, people now consume more calories from artificially produced food products than from natural foods. Homemade meals have largely been replaced by industrially produced, cheap, and convenient alternatives wrapped in crinkling plastic or colorful cardboard boxes. These products are referred to as ultra-processed foods.
In this article, we take a closer look at the effects of ultra-processed foods on our health. We’ve chosen to label them ‘food products’ because we believe they cannot be equated with regular foods. Additionally, you’ll receive 11 hacks on how to make healthier choices and reduce your intake of the ultra-processed food products.
Ultra-processed food products are ubiquitous in our daily lives. They dominate the fast-food market and constitute the majority of items in kiosks and gas stations. Sadly, many supermarket shelves are now also stocked with these ultra-processed food products. We encounter them at our workplaces, in restaurants, in social settings, and even in our own homes. They’ve become an integral part of our lives. Recent surveys from several Western countries reveal that we now obtain 50-60% of our caloric intake from ultra-processed food products, with the proportion even higher among children and teenagers. And it’s understandable. They offer unhealthy, but convenient, easy, and tasty solutions in a busy life. It’s not that we all lack the willpower to resist these foods. It’s about lacking awareness and, importantly, living in environments where it’s almost impossible to avoid them.