The prince is thinking about the time when the wizard helped him and the princess with a problem they were struggling with. He remembers how happy they both were to receive his help. Then he thinks about how the princess wants him to spend more time with her and their child. He decides to do that, because the princess and the child are what is most important in his life. He puts that into words and tells the princess, and they are both happy.

"Once upon a time, there was an adaptable man who understood the value of verbalizing."

The notion of verbalizing

When we put our desire for change into words, perhaps even rethinking our personal narrative – our own story about ourselves – our verbalization helps up put our desire into action. When we share our narrative with the people around us, it becomes more binding than if we keep our new goals and loving reinventions or rethinking of ourselves to ourselves. The sheer physical process of ŧranslating a thought into a spoken statement helps consolidate both the thought and our capacity for action.

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