P for Psychology

A sprout and a strip of cloth. Time passes, the tree grows - and beside it, the cloth piles up. We now see that a man is unwrapping his body, peeling off the strips of cloth. He is developing, updating his defences and transforming back to his original self, before he unconsciously began, at some point in his childhood, to wrap himself in protective layers.

"Once upon a time, there was a man who knew that development takes time."

The notion of transformation

The fruits of wisdom are knowledge. Knowledge and experience spring from insight and empirical input. The notion of transformation is based on the notion of a human being changing him/herself and others through human insight.

As shown in the illustration, development takes time, but the present book, the previous three books and the following books in the series Create a Better World, including the next book, which deals with the topic of self-esteem, can help you take a shortcut. The books offer insight into life topics that are worth exploring and striving to master. The future belongs to the sustainable, adaptable and free human being with a high degree of emotional intelligence. That is especially true if you are a prospective or actual leader or CXO.

A transformative person generates awareness through images and inspiring future scenarios that have a transformative effect or lead to a path of development and change. A successful transformative person must possess many of the skills that are addressed in this book.

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