A bitter and defeated nobleman turns his back on the party guests.
"Once upon a time, there was an overwhelmed man who knew that most things in life were bad, and the rest was society's fault."
The notion of society’s fault
When we have abandoned our sense of personal responsibility and lost faith that we can actively make a difference – and thus influence our surroundings – we often blame society for our troubles. It is ‘society’s fault. The flawed and unreasonable system is to blame for our misery.
The people around us, our parents, our childhood, the immigrants, our co-workers, our workplace – someone or something else is alwayas the cause of our problems. That attitude paralyses us, which may be helpful, since it relieves us of any obligation to deal with issues we feel unequipped to tackle. We spend our time criticizing others and putting them down instead of realizing that the situation is what it is, and we have to make the most of life, given the circumstances we face in society at large and the environment we live in.