The princess is standing in front of an old, ornate mirror. She sees a grey, sad, tired Cinderella. The young men desire the princess, who walks past them feeling sad and miserable. The princess is puzzled by their attention. Then she sees her reflection in a different mirror and sees a very different image. Now full of joy and satisfaction, she bumps into the prince, and they fall in love.

''Once upon a time, there was a woman who found her prince when she finally understood that she was in fact a princess.''

The notion of self-esteem

Our self-esteem is our emotional foundation. And no building is stronger than its foundation.

The difference between self-esteem and confidence is that confidence is based on ­actions or experiences in relation to other people, while self-esteem reflects your true view of yourself, regardless how others see you. Thus, you can feel a high degree of confidence as a reflection of your professional competence, praise, ­experience and success, yet still be dissatisfied with yourself or your life. The ­feeling that this gives rise to – or the thought of ‘When are they going to discover that I’m really ­incompetent?’ – calls for a development effort focused on self-love, needs ­satisfaction and mirroring.

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