The king sees the queen’s shyness and discomfort. He understands that he has to draw attention away from the queen. The king has a bright idea. He steps on the dragon’s tail. The dragon squeals and breathes fire. Everyone scampers to escape the dragon. The king comforts it, and now the chef enters with the cornucopia the king ordered. While the guests dig in, the queen returns to the hall. Now, she is happy and relaxed.
"Once upon a time, there was a man who knew that responsibility is the foundation of a good life."
The notion of responsibility
Personal leadership rests on a foundation of responsibility.
When we know what we are about, as persons, and know what we want, it is our responsibility to achieve what is good for us. If we do not take ourselves seriously, how can we expect others to do so? We have a responsibility to take care of ourselves. We have a responsibility to sort out our own thoughts and feelings, to the extent we need to. We are responsible for our own life, and we cannot make excuses for ourselves by pointing to an unhappy childhood. That is a narrative everyone, to some degree, could use to cast him/herself as a victim, but that is not going to help us, our relations, our parents or the world. Instead, what can help us Create a Better World is insight and action. Our parents did the best they could, even if they may have failed miserably. Okay? Now, move on 🙂