A baker buys some cheap, low-grade flour and bakes a loaf of bread that the king is not happy with. The king explains his intention: he wants high-quality bread. Now, the baker buys organic flour from a superior mill and bakes a scrumptious loaf that the king is very pleased with.
"Once upon a time, there was an insightful man who understood the connection between intention and outcome."
The notion of intentionality
Deliberate or targeted aim; the claim that we should judge the morality of an act on the intention, not the outcome. In any communication, intention is important to consider. The most important points to address are what you aim to achieve, and how. Intentionality calls for careful deliberation in any act of communication.
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Perception shapes reality.
Everything we perceive is coloured by our feelings, for better and worse. It does not matter how many facts we present – if the listener is not receptive, we are not going to get the message across. Thus, the sender should always consider his or her intention and make sure to develop a connection between the intention, the receiver and the outcome of the communication. The sender should meet the receiver precisely where he is, emotionally, and gently guide him to a place where he is prepared to embrace the intention.