The jester hears that the princess has a specific need. He tries to meet it as he usually does but realizes that he has to push himself aside and approach the problem with greater humility. So he reflects on alternative solutions that might deliver what the princess needs.
"Once upon a time, there was a humble man who consistently listened, inspired, reflected, and created."
The notion of humility
Showing reverence, respect, submission, modesty or so similar.
Humility requires insight and an understanding of life and human grandeur – as well as awareness of the infinity of the universe, which extends much farther than any single person can ever reach.
Table of Content
Humility is about dignity, equal worth and meeting others, ourselves and life itself at eye level. Humility means knowing who we are and where we come from and acknowledging that we are all only on this planet for a brief moment in time. The opposite of humility is arrogance, which springs in particular from poor self-esteem, a failed upbringing and a toxic family culture. Arrogance creates distance while humility makes people want to come closer, provided the humility is still at eye level and does not become distorted into subservience.