A nobleman observes the king’s generosity towards the beggar. The king feeds and clothes the beggar as the nobleman looks on, grumbling.

"Once upon a time, there was a tired and disappointed man who came into contact with his own yearning for success whenever he encountered someone else's success."

The notion of envy

Envy springs from low self-esteem and lack of love – and the small-mindedness that follows

If we have lacked care and interest from others, learned to work hard for what we have and yet failed to reap our just rewards, seeing someone else’s success can put us in contact with our own yearning for success. In the situation, we do not see that the other person’s good fortunes are often the result of hard work. Instead, we only sense the pain of our own struggles to achieve the same. We probably lacked love early in life and so are worn out from striving to achieve the material rewards we think are the most important markers of success.

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