A maid is carrying a tray. She feels sad. A nobleman takes a glass from the tray and smiles at her. In the background, the prince, the princess and their baby are sharing a tender moment. The maid sees the king lighting a cigar for the beggar, who is now well dressed. The maid is happy and excited.
"Once upon a time, there was an enthusiastic woman who was easily excited."
The notion of enthusiasm
Intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval. Enthusiasm is vivacity. No enthusiasm without life, love and perspective. Fortunately, when we are born, the conditions for enthusiasm are present for most human beings.
Throughout life, this enthusiasm is nourished by our ability to stay within a loving, constructive field that is stimulated by our own and others’ inspiring and loving acts. Success breeds success. The same is true of enthusiasm.
It thrives when we nourish it and grows when we share it. Enthusiasm is a rich source of energy, and we need to preserve and nourish it.