The young princess feels smothered by her loving father. As a young woman, she falls for the handsome prince. After some time, the princess realizes that she also feels smothered by the prince.
''Once upon a time, there was a woman whose choice of partner recreated the emotional inadequacies of her childhood.''
The notion of choosing a partner
In our choice of partner, we will always, subconsciously, seek to recreate the original conditions of our childhood family context. Striving for development is part of human nature, and so we keep returning to unresolved conflicts and situations. By unconsciously recreating the emotional inadequacies of our childhood, we motivate and ensure contact with our need for development.
At a deep, underlying level, what we find arousing in a potential partner is linked to our parents and general childhood experiences. What we like and dislike, how we were loved and how we love are beyond our conscious control, but we can change these aspects in a conscious personal development process.