Seeking a Better Life - Navigating Health, Sustainability, and Well-being
Many people are searching for the answers to central questions like: How do I live a healthy life? How do I promote longevity? What do I do with my low self-esteem? My anxiety? How do I avoid loneliness? How can I contribute to sustainability? What can I do to promote biodiversity and contribute to reducing climate change?
Everyone understands the importance of education. We learn to read and write. We learn to drive, and we train for a job. But there are areas where we leave it to the individual person to figure it all out for themselves: Life itself – and how to live a happy, healthy, and sustainable life.
SHAPE Your Future Life - An Answer to Life's Most Pressing Questions
In a busy everyday life, it is hard and often overwhelming for most of us to cut through the noise and navigate in the landscape of misinformation and collect the evidence-based knowledge we need.